时 间:3月17日(下周二)上午10:00-11:00
地 点:法学院四合院三进院会议室(廖凯原楼西侧,陈明楼东侧)
报告人: David Hik 博士 (加拿大极地委员会理事)
主持人:王磊 教授 (北大社科部副部长,海洋研究院副院长)
David Hik 博士于2010 年11 月被任命为加拿大极地委员会理事,并于2013 年11 月获得连任。1984 年以来,他一直在加拿大北方地区从事研究工作,主要的研究领域包括北极和山地环境下的苔原生态系统、社会-生态复原力以及科学和政策之间的联系。Hik 博士现任阿尔伯塔大学教授,他也在中国极地研究中心担任客座教授。最近,他刚刚卸任国际北极科学委员会主席一职。担任主席的四年间,他积极支持年轻研究人员参与北极科研,并推动国际合作、数据管理以及有关研究协调的长期规划。Hik 博士现任北极理事会“北极持续观测网”计划副主席、第三届北极研究规划国际会议主席以及国际极地伙伴关系计划联合主席。此前,他曾担任北方生态学领域的“加拿大国家特聘教授”(2002-2012)及加拿大国际极地年秘书处执行主任(2004-2009)。另外,他也是加拿大皇家地理学会会员,并于2013 年获得过该学会颁发的马丁·伯格曼北极领导力及科学领域杰出贡献勋章。
Science, technology and relevant knowledge underpins all four pillars of Canada’s Northern Strategy (Environmental Protection, Social & Economic Development, Governance, Sovereignty). With devolution, self-government agreements, and land claims obligations, the way in which Arctic research is conducted is changing, including greater involvement of Northern residents in decision-making at multiple levels. In 2014 the Canadian Polar Commission completed a State of Northern Knowledge in Canada Report as a contribution to ICARP III. The report discussed both recent advances and knowledge gaps. Many of the gaps identified would benefit from greater international collaboration. For example, with respect to environmental change, knowledge gaps include the long-term impacts of climate change, ocean acidification and invasive species on marine biodiversity; climate-vegetation-hydrology-permafrost relationships, feedback loops, and the broader implications of warming permafrost on ecosystems and infrastructure; improving options for adaptation and resilience in northern communities; and optimizing monitoring and observing networks. A primary objective of future Canadian research efforts in the Arctic will include support for the increased involvement of Northerners in research at all levels, from field work to the setting of policies and priorities, through capacity building. In the Canadian North, climate ‘knowledge’ and perception of change at the local level is drawn from a variety of sources, including land-based knowledge and personal observation of changes, scientific knowledge, and spiritual understandings of change. How can Canadian and international institutions best collaborate to determine scientific and other priorities, and establish enduring partnerships with Northerners? The idea of establishing a "Canada-China Arctic Forum” is worth considering further.