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【讲座预告】Brooks Hanson:How to Successfully Publish in AGU's Journals
时间:2018年10月15日 12:55来源: 点击数:

主讲人:Dr. Brooks Hanson

              Executive Vice President for Science Department of AGU           

主持人:郑玫 教授

时   间:2018年10月16日(星期二)下午 3:00-4:00

地   点:北京大学环境大楼报告厅 B121




        Brooks Hanson oversees AGU's Science Department, which includes Publications, Meetings, Data Leadership, Thriving Earth Exchange, and Ethics. He served previously as Sr. Vice President for Publications at AGU, responsible for AGU's portfolio of many books and 20 journals and their editorial operations. Before arriving at AGU, he served as the Deputy Editor for Physical Sciences at Science. Brooks has been an AGU member for 35 years, has published in AGU's journals, presented at AGU meetings, and has been engaged extensively with AGU's community, including many researchers in China, through these roles. Brooks has a Ph.D. in Geology from UCLA and was a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Mineral Sciences, Smithsonian Institution. He is a fellow of the Geological Society of American and Mineralogical Society of America.



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