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AGU期刊一周Research Spotlight
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AGU期刊一周Research Spotlight (Sep 21~Sep 27, 2018)
时间:2018年09月27日 09:23来源: 点击数:

Climate change:

1. Yellow Detritus in the Oceans May Help Reduce Warming

Dissolved organic matter in the oceans absorbs light near the water's surface, leading to cooler waters that may help mitigate regional climate warming.


2. Wind Speed Governs Turbulence in Atmospheric Inversions

Measurements made during a field campaign in Idaho indicate that the speed of winds 2 meters above Earth's surface determines the type of turbulence present in nighttime inversions.


3. Autumn Warming No Longer Accelerating Carbon Loss in the North

An analysis of Point Barrow's 40-year record points to the importance of calculating the carbon cycle's response to temperature during the northern latitudes' non-growing season.


Science Policy:

1. Congressional Hearing Tackles Illegal Fishing

Illegal, unregulated, and underreported fishing worldwide could account for more than $36.4 billion annually. Where do efforts to curb it stand?


2. New Initiative Aims to Help Displaced Scientists

The accord, initiated by 10 Italian science institutions, hopes to provide temporary opportunities for some refugees until they can safely return to their home countries.


Space & Planets:

1. John T. "Jack" Gosling (1938–2018)

This prolific researcher helped us understand the interactions of the solar wind and coronal mass ejections with Earth's magnetic field.


2. Martian Moon May Have Come from Impact on Home Planet

Spectral fingerprints of Phobos' surface support an ancient big crash origin for the Martian moon.


3. New Exoplanet Telescope Detects Its First Two Planets

The two possible planets, each larger than Earth and too hot to be habitable, are the first of hundreds of Earth-sized exoplanets expected to be discovered by a recently launched telescope.


4. How Well Can the Webb Telescope Detect Signs of Exoplanet Life?

Recent research suggests that NASA's next-generation space telescope will be good—but not the best—at finding life-sustaining levels of oxygen in an exoplanet's atmosphere.



1. What Lies and Waits Beneath Lake Ice?

Rarely made detailed measurements of carbon dioxide and methane under lake ice reveal a story more complex than simple models of gas buildup, with surprising findings for climate change impacts.


2. Expanding Recognition for Contributions of Science to Society

Scientists who engage with policy-makers, the public, community leaders, and the media deserve to be recognized and rewarded for their work.



1. Harnessing the GPS Data Explosion for Interdisciplinary Science

More GPS stations, faster data delivery, and better data processing provide an abundance of information for all kinds of Earth scientists.


Hydrology, Cryosphere & Earth Surface

1. Massive Scale Evaporative Water Losses from Irrigation

Evaporation can demonstrate the effects of crop irrigation on decadal trends in evapotranspiration at a regional spatial extent.



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