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AGU期刊一周Research Spotlight
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AGU期刊一周Research Spotlight (Oct 19~Oct 25, 2018)
时间:2018年10月26日 10:20来源: 点击数:

Climate Change:

1. Strong Indian Monsoons Steer Atlantic Hurricanes Toward Land

A newly discovered relationship between weather in India and Atlantic hurricanes could help scientists better predict the path of oncoming storms.


2. Air Pollution Reduces Arctic Cloud Lifetime, Study Suggests

Pollution plumes from Northeast Asia and Northern Europe travel to the Arctic region and allow cloud droplets to freeze at higher temperatures, shortening cloud lifetimes.


Hazards & Disasters:

1. Microplastics Found in Human Stool

Tiny slivers of plastic are making it all the way into humans' guts and into their feces, a new study shows.


Natural Resources:

1. A Closer Look at the Sustainability of Our Groundwater Aquifers

Researchers use a new approach to assessing the world's largest aquifers in hopes of improving groundwater management during drought periods.


Science Policy:

1. Trump Administration Advances Controversial Space Force Plans

The National Space Council moves ahead with plans to establish a new branch of the military, but a prominent Democratic congressman voices opposition.


2. Congressman on a Climate Change Mission

Rep. Ted Deutch, cochair of the House's Climate Solutions Caucus, pushes for bipartisan solutions, Democratic goals, and an end to dark money that spurs members of Congress to oppose climate measures.


Space & Planets:

1. Huge Blades of Ice May Partially Cover Jupiter's Moon Europa

Conditions are right for "penitentes" up to 15 meters high to form on the Jovian moon, new research shows. The spires might prevent a lander from exploring Europa's equatorial region.


2. U.S. Mint Unveils Design for Special Apollo 11 Coin

The showcase of a commemorative coin kicks off national celebrations of the Apollo anniversaries.



1. Outstanding Student Presentation Awards: Coveted Honors and More

AGU student members have the opportunity to receive feedback and expand their network at Fall Meeting through the OSPA program. OSPA volunteers help guide the next generation of scientists.


Atmospheric Sciences:

1. New Lidar Comparisons of Temperatures Near the Mesopause

For the first time, simultaneous measurements of upper atmosphere temperatures over altitudes 80 to 110 kilometers have been made by two complementary lidar techniques.


Geology & Geophysics:

1. Integrated Workflow Approach for Petroleum Engineering Problems

The author of a new book describes the challenges faced in making calculations for hydrocarbon exploration and extraction and how an integrated workflow approach can reduce uncertainties.


2. A More Detailed Look at Earth's Most Poorly Understood Crust

The second-generation Antarctic Digital Magnetic Anomaly Project offers a powerful new tool for probing the structure and evolution of the southernmost continent's lithosphere.


Hydrology, Cryosphere & Earth Surface:

1. Mapping and Monitoring Soil Moisture in Forested Landscapes

Monitoring Forest Soil Moisture for a Changing World; Ann Arbor, Michigan, 15–17 May 2018


2. How Old Is the Mekong River Valley?

Granite samples collected from the Mekong River Valley reveal that the river's path was incised roughly 17 million years ago, most likely by increased erosion from monsoon precipitation.


Mathematical Geophysics:

1. Eddy Generation in the Central Bay of Bengal

Eddies in the central Bay of Bengal are generated near the eastern boundary of the basin, related to equatorial wind forcing, nonlinearity, and the topographic "bump" of Myanmar.



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