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AGU期刊一周Research Spotlight
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AGU期刊一周Research Spotlight (Jan 18~Jan 24, 2019)
时间:2019年01月25日 10:13来源:北京大学海洋研究院 点击数:

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Volcanology:

1. A Novel Approach Reveals Element Cycles in the Ocean

Dissolved thorium isotopes light the way to a more thorough understanding of how different elements enter marine environments-and how long they stay there.


Centennial Collection:

1. Podcast: Uncovering the Ozone Hole

In the latest episode of its special series, AGU's Third Pod from the Sun features scientists whose work found the source of a hole in the sky.


Climate Change:

1. Managing Uncertainties in Climate Engineering

Control theory and climate engineering meet in a new special issue of JGR: Atmospheres.


Hazards & Disasters:

1. Ancient Faults Amplify Intraplate Earthquakes

A comparison of deformation rates from Canada's Saint Lawrence Valley offers compelling evidence that strain in the region is concentrated along ancient structures from previous tectonic cycles.


2."Eco-friendly" Flame Retardant May Have Eco-poor Breakdown

These flame retardants replaced earlier chemicals known to degrade into environmentally harmful by-products. The newer compounds may do the same thing.


3. Unraveling the Origin of Slow Earthquakes

Different nucleation styles detected in five slow-slip events in the same area of Japan's Ryukyu subduction zone suggest the physical properties along this tectonic plate interface change over time.


4. Next Olympics Marathon Course Has Dangerous "Hot Spots" for Spectators

Spectators' health may be jeopardized by high heat loads along the 2020 Olympics marathon course in Tokyo, a bicycle-mounted meteorological survey found.


5. Exploring Uncertainty in Streamflow Estimates

A review of streamflow uncertainty estimation methods reveals that one method does not fit all situations and provides recommendations for how to improve streamflow estimates.


Space & Planets:

1. Thermal Signature of Martian River Deposits Suggests Cementation

Are there indications of extended aqueous processes beyond the period of widespread fluvial activity on Mars?


2. A Meteor Struck the Moon During the Total Lunar Eclipse

Telescopes around the world detected an impact event on the lunar surface just before totality on Monday. Amateur and professional astronomers are starting to coordinate data.



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