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AGU发布最新工作信息 (Nov 16~ Nov 22, 2017)
时间:2017年11月24日 08:34来源: 点击数:

1. Postdoctoral Scholar in Mapping, Monitoring, and Modeling Forest Ecosystems

Northern Arizona University seeks a postdoctoral researcher to participate in research projects focused on mapping, monitoring and modeling forest ecosystems, incorporating climate, land use, and disturbance dynamics. The successful candidate will work closely with the principle investigator (Goetz) and collaborators, using remote sensing observations, biodiversity data, and models to analyze the influence of multiple factors on forest ecosystem dynamics. 


The position will require processing multi-sensor imagery, primarily satellite-based but also airborne remote sensing, to derive geospatial products characterizing ecosystem properties (e.g. canopy 3D structure, composition, habitat, biomass, regrowth dynamics), partly in context of the NASA GEDI mission. The research will advance analyses of disturbance and drivers of change through time. Exploration of state-of-the-art techniques to quantify relationships between structure and diversity in tropical environments is desirable. Ability to synthesize complex information and develop structured analyses in written and visual form is essential.




Northern Arizona University, School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems


Flagstaff, Arizona


Commensurate with experience.


Nov 20, 2017


Dec 20, 2017


ForEco Postdoc


BiogeosciencesEarth and Space Science Informatics,Global Environmental Change,Interdisciplinary/Other

Career Level


Education Level


Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004390/postdoctoral-scholar-in-mapping-monitoring-and-modeling-forest-ecosystems/         

2.Associate Scientist II

About the Organization:

The Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science (CPAESS) develops customizable solutions to complex scientific challenges by fostering scientific leadership and workforce, building community collaborations, and facilitating the advancement of research for the benefit of society.  CPAESS facilitates and manages scientific research and research-to-operations appointments for early career and expert scientists at US institutions, federal laboratories and program offices. CPAESS collaborates with the community to provide an array of scientific opportunities that promote lifelong professional and workforce development and that fosters a new generation of leaders within the scientific community.


Job Overview:

This position will support hydrologic data analysis and prediction. This position is located at the National Water Center (NWC) in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This position will work as a member of one or more project teams comprised of members of the five divisions of the OWP: Analysis and Prediction, Geo Intelligence, Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering, Water Prediction and Operations, and Service Innovation and Partnership.



· Develop and implement advanced statistical analysis methods for purposes of evaluating modeling and prediction skill, estimating sources and impact of uncertainty in hydrologic prediction, including development of probabilistic prediction capabilities. 

· As appropriate, prepare project documentation, publish scientific papers/reports and attend conferences/workshops to present results from project activities. 

· Stay abreast of scientific developments by reading journal papers, providing peer-reviews of submitted papers, and attending workshops and training courses as available.




National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR)|University Corporation for Atmospheric Research-UCAR


Tuscaloosa, Alabama


Salary and benefits package are competitive


Nov 20, 2017


Dec 20, 2017




Atmospheric Sciences,Hydrology

Career Level

Early Career (up to 10 years past degree)

Education Level


Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004385/associate-scientist-ii/

3. Faculty Position in Human and Socio-Technical Systems

Faculty Position in Human and Socio-Technical Systems

The Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Systems and Information Engineering are forming a new academic department at the University of Virginia (UVA) in the School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) with the mission of being world leaders in responding to some of society's most pressing challenges. 


To achieve this vision, we are implementing a strategic multi-year cluster hire. Candidates for these tenured or tenure-track positions with expertise in the following research areas are our highest priority.


· Environmental Data Science: novel data science and big data approaches applied to critical problems in global water systems, climate change, public health engineering, environmental sustainability and resilience, and/or the water-energy nexus; large, distributed environmental data collection and analysis; satellite remote sensing; and climate engineering.

· Integrated Infrastructure, Large-Scale Systems, and Decision Support: holistic civil infrastructure systems modeling and management; risk assessment and analysis; novel remote sensing methods; systems analysis and control to assure performance in the face of physical and cyber attacks; broadly, all means of understanding the underlying physical processes, tying them to human needs, and using these three categories to guide decisions for support of these systems.

· Human-Automation Collaboration: modeling and simulation to represent human performance, cognition and behavior in the design and evaluation of systems comprising human/automation interactions. We are interested in applications in all areas of large-scale systems to include health care, security, intelligent engineering infrastructure (e.g. “smart cities”), transportation, water quality and quantity delivery, and industrial process control.

· Integrative Data Engineering: active health monitoring and control; sensor management and control; infrastructure health monitoring; human and public health; situational awareness of large scale systems possibly across networks of connected objects and devices; predictive and prescriptive analysis at scale and in real-time, design for acquisition, analysis, and sense-making of data.






Charlottesville, Virginia, 22904, United States


Nov 20, 2017


Dec 20, 2017


Interdisciplinary/Other,Planetary Sciences

Career Level


Education Level


Job Type



4. Postdoctoral Scholar, Groundwater Flow and Transport

The Desert Research Institute (DRI; http://www.dri.edu) is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the area of hydrologic sciences supported by the Sulo and Aileen Maki Trust. Maki Postdoctoral Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis to applicants with outstanding research and leadership potential in a broad range of topical areas related to water issues relevant to southern Nevada. The position will be located at DRI’s Las Vegas campus.


The Postdoctoral position will be an integral part of DRI’s groundwater modeling team focused on groundwater contamination within underground nuclear test areas at the Nevada National Security Site. Within this team, the position has the opportunity to collaborate with hydrogeologists, hydrogeochemists, and numerical modelers developing flow and transport models as part of hydrogeologic investigations in complex natural systems often coupled with unique contamination issues.


Required Qualifications:
• Ph.D. in hydrology/hydrogeology, engineering, or other related discipline from an accredited institution
• Background in groundwater flow and/or contaminant transport modeling
• Experience with numerical flow and transport codes
• Strong programming skills (Fortran/C++/Python preferred)
• Evidence of the ability to participate in and coordinate collaborative research
• Ability to work independently to fulfill project goals and meet project deadlines
• Ability to generate resourceful and innovative solutions to flow and transport problems
• Ability to effectively analyze and report research findings to sponsors, at conferences, and in the scientific literature (clear written and spoken English)
• Research focus that is complementary with existing DRI programs
• U.S. Citizenship




Desert Research Institute


Reno, Nevada (US)


Nov 17, 2017


Dec 17, 2017



Career Level


Education Level


Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004372/postdoctoral-scholar-groundwater-flow-and-transport/

5.Tenure-Track and Postdoc Positions in Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Peking University

The Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences of Peking University invites applications for multiple tenure-track faculty positions in atmospheric and oceanic sciences. Two positions are available in physical oceanography, particularly in the areas of ocean general circulation and dynamics, air-sea interaction and climate, ocean biogeochemical cycle, ocean model development, and satellite oceanography. Four positions are available in atmospheric sciences, particularly in the areas of climate dynamics and modeling, synoptic and meso-scale meteorology, radiation and remote sensing, atmospheric chemistry, cloud physics, atmospheric boundary layer, land-air interaction, and planetary atmospheres. All positions are at the tenure-track assistant professor level under the “Young Qianren” or “Bairen” programs. 




Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University


Beijing (CN)


$40,000-75,000 for tenure-track positions (highest for "Qing Qian"); $20,000-$40,000 for postdocs


Nov 19, 2017


Dec 19, 2017


Atmospheric SciencesGlobal Environmental ChangeOcean SciencePlanetary Sciences

Career Level


Education Level


Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004374/tenure-track-and-postdoc-positions-in-dept-of-atmospheric-and-oceanic-sciences-peking-university/?LinkSource=PremiumListing

6. Assistant Professor in Systems Engineering

The University of California, Merced, is the newest of the University of California system’s 10 campuses and the first American research university built in the 21st century. With more than 7,500 undergraduate and graduate students, UC Merced offers an environment that combines a commitment to diversity, inclusion, collaboration and professional development. With bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs, strong research and academic partnerships, and community involvement, the UC Merced campus is continually evolving and requires talented, knowledgeable and dynamic educators, researchers, management and staff.


Applicants must have a strong publication record and a demonstrated potential to develop an independent and innovative research program, to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration, and to teach and train effectively at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Candidates should possess a Ph.D. degree in civil and environmental engineering or a related area at the time of appointment, which will be effective July 2018 or later.


Qualifications: A Ph.D. degree in civil and environmental engineering or a related area at the time of appointment. Preferred qualifications include research background in sustainable building and civil systems, climate resilient infrastructure, sustainable energy systems, life-cycle assessment, earth systems engineering and management, and other related areas.




University of California, Merced


Merced, California


Nov 17, 2017


Dec 17, 2017



Career Level


Education Level


Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004371/assistant-professor-in-systems-engineering/?LinkSource=PremiumListing

7.Chair, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte invites applications and nominations for the Chair of the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, effective July 1, 2018. Candidate requirements include: 1) a doctoral degree in a field in - or related to - one of the Department’s academic programs (Geography, Geology, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies and Meteorology); 2) credentials and experience appropriate for a senior-level appointment at a growing, urban doctoral university classified as having high research activity; 3) demonstrated ability and experience in administration and leadership of multidisciplinary groups; 4) a record of securing external funding; and 5) a demonstrated commitment to promote diversity as a value in the department, college and university.


The selected candidate will have the ability to oversee the continued advancement, success, and reputation of the Department. S/he will demonstrate the ability to: creatively and strategically manage the Department’s budget; encourage and mentor faculty in securing external grants and in achieving excellence in research, teaching and service; lead and support a large staff whose duties range from academic administration to technical lab support; sustain the growth, health and success of degree programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; support interdisciplinary programs and centers; and attract and retain top-tier faculty.




University of North Carloina at Charlotte


Charlotte, North Carolina


Nov 17, 2017


Dec 17, 2017



Career Level


Education Level


Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004369/chair-department-of-geography-and-earth-sciences/


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