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He Tao

2018-07-16 02:04:46

He Tao:

Associate Professor

Email: taohe@pku.edu.cn


1995-1999 B.Sc. Peking University, China

1999-2002 M.Sc Peking Univeristy, China

2002-2007 Ph.D. University of Victoria, Canada

Professional Preparations:

2008.04-present School of Earth and Space Sciences/Institute of Continental Dynamics and Natural Resource Engineering, Peking University

Research Projects:

1. Studies about the mechanical mechanism of the gas hydrate associated Slipstream Slide, offshore Vancouver Island, Canada

2. Study on Experimental Determination of Petrophysical Properties of Shale Gas Reservoirs”, 01/2013-12/2016 (member)

3. Reservoir characteristics of marine gas hydrate on mid slope of Northern Cascadia Margin using DTAGS and ODP/IODP drilling results

4. Mechanism of seismic response of complex lithology reservoir for mature basin

5. 3D topographic correction for BSR-depth derived heat flow of marine gas hydrate:Implies focused gas-carried fluid flow

Selected Publications:

1. Li, H., T. He and G. D. Spence, 2014. North Cascadia heat flux and fluid flow from gas hydrates: Modeling 3-D topographic effects. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(1): 99-115.

2. He, T., H. Li and C. Zou, 2014. 3D topographic correction of the BSR heat flow and detection of focused fluid flow. Applied Geophysics, 11(2): 197-206.

3. Kong F, He T, Spence G. Application of deep-towed multichannel seismic system for gas hydrate on mid-slope of northern Cascadia margin. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 2012, 55(5): 758-769.

4. Pei, F., C. Zou, T. He, L. Pan, K. Xiao and G. Shi, 2011. Experimental study of the relationship between fluid density and saturation and sonic wave velocity of rock samples from the WXS Depression,South China Sea. Petroleum Science, 8(01): 43-48. (国内SCI收录)

5. He, T., C. Zou, F. Pei, K. Ren, F. Kong and G. Shi, 2010. Laboratory study on fluid viscosity induced ultrasonic velocity dispersion in reservoir sandstones. Applied Geophysics, 7(2): : 114-126.

6. Pei, F. G., C. C. Zou, T. He, G. Shi, G. G. Qiu and K. Y. Ren, 2010. Fluid sensitivity study of elastic parameters in low-medium porosity and permeability reservoir rocks. Applied Geophysics, 7(1): 1-9.

7. He, T., G. D. Spence, W. T. Wood, M. Riedel and R. D. Hyndman, 2009. Imaging a hydrate-related cold vent offshore Vancouver Island from deep-towed multichannel seismic data. Geophysics, 74(2): B23-B36.

8. He, T., Spence, G.D., Riedel, M., Hyndman, R.D., and Chapman, N.R., 2007. Fluid flow and origin of a carbonate mound offshore Vancouver Island: Seismic and heat flow constraints. Marine Geology, 239, 83–98.

9. Riedel, M., Willoughby, E.C., Chen, M.A., He, T., Novosel, I., Schwalenberg, K., Hyndman, R.D., Spence, G.D., Chapman, N.R. and R.N. Edwards. 2006. Gas Hydrate on the Northern Cascadia Margin: Regional geophysics and structural framework. Proc. IODP, 311: Washington, DC.
