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AGU Research Spotlight (Oct 12-Oct 18, 2018)

2018-10-17 17:10:24

Climate Change:

1. Arctic Sea Ice Decline Driving Ocean Phytoplankton Farther North

A new study reveals phytoplankton spring blooms in the Arctic Ocean, which were previously nonexistent, are expanding northward at a rate of 1 degree of latitude per decade.


2. Hydrology Dictates Fate of Carbon from Northern Hardwood Forests

As spring snowmelt and fall rains inundate northern hardwood forests with moisture, soil bacteria get moving and increase carbon exports to the atmosphere and into nearby water bodies.


Hazard Disaster:

3. Subsurface Imaging Sheds Light on Dead Sea Sinkholes

Using seismicwaves, researchers study sediment layering near the Dead Sea to reveal how the area’s numerous sinkholes form.


Space & Planets:

4. How Do We Accomplish System Science in Space?

Exploring Systems-Science Techniques for the Earth's Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere; Los Alamos, New Mexico, 24–26 July 2018



5. Long-term Dataset Reveals How Management Affects River Biology

River systems are affected by societies against a backdrop of climate change. A new dataset reveals how these forces affect river flow, chemistry, and the biological health of the river.


Geology & Geophysics:

6. Can You Express Your Science in 17 Syllables?

Researchers are taking to Twitter to tell the world about their research through the lines of haiku. Now it's your turn!


7. 2018 AGU Election Statistics

AGU's Leadership Development/Governance Committee recaps the timing, participation, and other details of the organization's recently completed 2018 leadership election.


8. Lozier to Be AGU President-Elect/AGU Leadership Transitions

As new AGU leaders assume their governance roles in 2019, about half of the organization's current officers will continue to serve and provide leadership continuity.


Hydrology, Cryosphere & Earth Surface:

9. Roger G. Barry (1935–2018)

Barry, a giant in climate and cryospheric sciences, pioneered the archival of computer data and traveled the world to share his vision with others.

