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AGU Job Information (Nov 09-Nov 15, 2017)

2017-11-17 13:20:58

1. Post-Doctoral Researcher: Watershed Modeling

Description: Drs. Jay F. Martin and Margaret M. Kalcic have 2 years of support for a Post-doctoral Scientist to contribute to ongoing biophysical modeling projects focused on Lake Erie and its watershed.

This position will lead a major modeling effort in support of multiple projects investigating linkages among climate change, ecology, and human behavior (e.g., farmers, decision-makers) in the largely agricultural watersheds that are the primary source of sediments and nutrients to western Lake Erie. These projects include one funded by NSF INFEWs that examines potential effects of deglobalization on the sustainability of Great Lakes’ food-energy-water systems (FEWS), and another funded by NOAA using climate forecasts to reduce nutrient runoff and algal blooms. The Post-doc’s primary responsibilities include: 1) predicting how climate and land management interact to affect water quality and ecosystem attributes (flow, nutrients, harmful algal blooms) using an existing watershed model set up using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT); and 2) communicating these results to the scientific community and stakeholders via journal publications, presentations, and reports. Interdisciplinary results are desired and will be achieved using watershed models to analyze impacts of public policy, farmer behavior, and land management change.



Ohio State University-Department of Food, Agricultrual and Biological Engineering


Columbus, Ohio; Ohio State University, Department of Food, Agricultural & Biological Engineering


Competitive salary based on candidates experience, that includes benefits.


Nov 13, 2017


Dec 13, 2017


post-doc watershed modeling


Attending the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, Hydrology

Career Level


Education Level


Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004333/post-doctoral-researcher-watershed-modeling/

2.Research Position in Modeling and Understanding the Observed Arctic Sea Ice Decline in Recent Decade

The Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program at Princeton University in cooperation with NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) seeks a postdoctoral or more senior scientist for research related to modeling and understanding of the rapid decline of Arctic sea ice observed over the satellite era. The position will be focused on improved understanding of the mechanisms causing the observed ice decline using coupled climate models and observations. The research will explore the response of Arctic sea ice to anthropogenic forcings, natural forcings, and natural decadal/multidecadal variability. Both recent graduates and more senior candidates will be considered for this position.

The selected candidate will have a Ph.D. in a related field and one or more of the following attributes: (a) a strong background in climate/ocean/sea ice dynamics (b) experience using and analyzing coupled climate models and (c) strong diagnostic skills in analyzing simulated and observed data sets. Appointments are initially for one year with renewal for an additional year based on satisfactory performance and continued funding.



Princeton University


Princeton, New Jersey


Nov 13, 2017


Dec 13, 2017


Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean Science

Career Level


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Job Type



3. Tenure-track Faculty Position in Sedimentary Geology

The Department of Geological Sciences in the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin is seeking a tenure-track faculty member at the Assistant Professor level in Sedimentary Geology. We are especially interested in a colleague who is able to combine quantitative, field-based studies of sedimentary systems with expertise in broader, interdisciplinary research areas that include, but are not limited to, paleoenvironmental reconstructions, geochemistry, numerical modeling, remote sensing, taphonomy, rock-properties, natural resources, and seismic interpretation. The successful applicant will contribute to a diverse, research community within the Jackson School of Geosciences (www.jsg.utexas.edu) by building an innovative, externally funded research program that will complement and unite existing strengths.

The ideal candidate would be able to lead and facilitate collaborations among researchers, students, and faculty members in the department and university. In addition, the candidate will contribute to the multidisciplinary teaching community in the Department of Geological Sciences through education that includes teaching, mentoring, and advising of our diverse graduate and undergraduate student bodies; candidates with an interest in experiential learning and teaching field skills are encouraged to apply.



University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences


Austin, Texas


Nov 13, 2017


Nov 29, 2017


Biogeosciences, Earth and Space Science Informatics,Geochemistry, Global Environmental Change,Interdisciplinary/Other, Near Surface Geophysics, Ocean Science, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

Career Level


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Job Type



4. Open rank position in STEM

Bates College is a small residential liberal arts college that offers majors in the STEM departments of Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geology, Mathematics, and Physics and Astronomy, as well as the interdisciplinary programs of Environmental Studies and Neuroscience. The position is open to applicants at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor rank. The candidate will teach in the department or program of appointment, develop a strong research program, mentor undergraduate thesis students, and participate in our work to strengthen the success of students in sciences, and mathematics, acknowledging barriers connected to identities of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, first generation to college, and all possible intersections thereof. The committee welcomes candidates with any research focus, including applications from scholars who study the efficacy of undergraduate science and math education.



Bates College


Lewiston, Maine


Nov 09, 2017


Jan 08, 2018




Atmospheric Sciences,Biogeosciences, Cryosphere Sciences, Earth and Space Science Informatics,Geochemistry, Geodesy, Global Environmental Change,Hydrology,Interdisciplinary/Other,Mineral and Rock Physics,Natural Hazards, Near Surface Geophysics, Ocean Science,Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Planetary Sciences, Seismology, Social Sciences , Solid Earth Geophysics, Space Physics,Tectonophysics, Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology

Career Level

Early Career (up to 10 years past degree)

Education Level


Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004317/open-rank-position-in-stem/

5.Endowed Faculty Position in Civil & Environmental Engineering

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (CEE) at Southern Methodist University (SMU) seeks to fill an endowed faculty position at the level of Professor. Candidates are sought for endowment as the Addy Family Centennial Professor (Position No. 53811) or the Solomon Professor for Global Development (Position No. 53812). The position endowed by the Solomon Professor for Global Development will be affiliated as a Senior Fellow with the Hunter and Stephanie Hunt Institute (HI) for Engineering and Humanity at the Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering at SMU.

Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in structural engineering or construction materials/management who also have research interests related to smart and resilient cities/infrastructure, global/sustainable development, or infrastructure systems management. Candidates must have earned a doctorate degree in civil engineering or a closely related field with strong credentials in research and scholarly activities, and demonstrated ability to obtain sponsored research from government and industry. The successful candidate must have strong leadership and collaboration skills, as well as a solid commitment to quality undergraduate and graduate education and the ability to promote innovative and integrated educational and research activities.



Southern Methodist University - Civil & Environmental Engineering


Dallas, Texas


Nov 08, 2017


Dec 08, 2017


Endowed Faculty Position


Solid Earth Geophysics

Career Level


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Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004311/endowed-faculty-position-in-civil-and-environmental-engineering/

6. Structural Geologist - Illinois State Geological Survey

The Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) is seeking a Visiting Assistant Research Scientist, Structural Geologist. Position may become a regular, non-visiting position at a later date.

The successful candidate will be responsible for contributing to or leading multi-disciplinary surface and subsurface research programs within the ISGS in the area of structural geology and/or geomechanics and applying innovative techniques to understand issues related to energy resource development; groundwater and seismic-hazard issues; and continental tectonics. The candidate will be expected to collaborate with other ISGS scientists, University of Illinois faculty, and external colleagues, in both existing and new research programs. Qualifications include a Ph.D. (in structural geology, geomechanics, rock physics, or related fields), strong communication skills, and the ability to develop a funded research program and to work collaboratively. The ISGS is an applied research unit within the University of Illinois, a Research I institution with a resident student population of about 40,000.



Illinois State Geological Survey


Champaign, Illinois


Nov 08, 2017


Dec 08, 2017


Earth and Space Science Informatics,Interdisciplinary/Other, Solid Earth Geophysics

Career Level


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Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004308/structural-geologist-illinois-state-geological-survey/

7.Division Director, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences

Serves as Division Director in the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS), Directorate for Geosciences (GEO). The mission of the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences is to enable fundamental research as well as to support relevant infrastructure and education that advances understanding of the behavior of the earth’s atmosphere and its interactions with the sun. Included are studies of physics, chemistry, and dynamics of earth’s upper and lower atmosphere and its space environment, research on climate processes and variations and studies to understand the natural global cycles of gases and particles in earth’s atmosphere.

The Division Director provides leadership and management to the Division’s programs, assists the Assistant Director in carrying out Directorate-wide responsibilities such as the preparation of budget submission for Congress, provides oversight and management of the Division budgets, and oversees the recruitment of scientific staff. The incumbent also supervises and provides leadership and guidance to administrative and support personnel within the Division. Externally, the Division Director represents the Division in a variety of NSF-wide and interagency activities related to research and education, and in interactions with the community.



Sandra DeLeon


Alexandria, Virginia




Nov 08, 2017


Dec 08, 2017




Atmospheric Sciences

Career Level


Education Level


Job Type


Link: https://findajob.agu.org/job/8004305/division-director-division-of-atmospheric-and-geospace-sciences/
