主讲人:William Perrie(加拿大资深物理海洋科学家)
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
主持人: 刘永岗
时 间:2018年5月24日下午3:00-4:30
地 点:北京大学物理学院北楼539
We first describe a recent field experiment which is intended to develop a climatology for sea state and sea ice in the Beaufort-and Chukchi Seas, to identify factors affecting the spatial and temporal variability of sea state, and to improve forecasting of waves and the marginal ice zone. We then provide a development and applications of improved theory and models for wave-ice interactions, for use in marine synoptic forecast models and Arctic system models. Finally, on seasonal time scales, we provide a description of the linkage between atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, and how these processes can relate to summer sea ice retreat and autumn ice advance.
Prof. William Perrie is Senior Research Scientist at Bedford Institute of Oceanography and Adjunct Professor of Dalhousie University, Canada. He graduated from MIT with a Ph.D. degree in Meteorology & Oceanography in 1979. His research involves processes at the atmosphere-ocean interface: numerical modeling of wind waves, air-sea interactions, surface currents, wave-ice and wave-current interactions, coupled wave-atmosphere-ocean models, and remote sensing of wind, waves, sea ice and ocean surface features. Regions of interest are the Northwest Atlantic, and the Arctic.
1981-1983: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Advanced Study Program at NCAR, Boulder, Colorado
1980-1981: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Oceanography and Mathematics, University of British Columbia
1979: PhD in Meteorology & Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1973–1975: Graduate studies in Physics, Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, CA
1973: BSc in Honors Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
2015–2017: Adjunct Faculty member, Nova University, Florida, USA.
2014–2019: Adjunct Prof., School of Marine Sci., Nanjing Univ. Information Sci. & Tech.
2014–2019: Adjunct Prof., Oceanography, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Canada
1996–2019: Adjunct Prof., Engineering Math., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Canada
1983-present: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Canada: Research Scientist-5 (2012-present), Research Scientist-4 (2003-2012), Research Scientist-3 (1998-2003), Research Scientist-2 (1989-1998), Research Scientist-1 (1983-1989).